Behold there upon
the flaming throne – o thee knights; the holy grail that having its knowledge
of everything – in wait to be taken for yourself not to the entire destiny of
human race but one as the feelings mixed with the thumping beats of thus slow
bashing Doom Metal to NWOBHM ala Canadians featuring Funeral Circle band
consisted of names like Jean-Pierre Abboud, The Grand Inquisitor or some
ex-members like Patriach and Malphas or Pilgrim building this semi-extremist
metal-headed musical mayhem which sounded alike the Doomy version of Mercyful
Fate meets Saint Vitus’s genes for releasing the second self-titled albums on
this Funeral Circle as they’re raging in whispers by the gnarling smiled and
sharpening teeth entering the massive hidden temple to take the most precious relics
there after destroying the army of guards and god’s guardian angels by themselves.
Listen to Amaranthine (Wandering Dreamer) may closely talks about the history
of a dream walker of the witchcraft society of hallucination led to demise over
greed of something shiny; Corpus of Dark Sorcery also worshipping the essence
matters on a build of powerful black magic speller ever lived to resurrects
back or Scion of Infinity which lifting the rooted family blood-lines of the
son of man that either preserved or must be erased of the face of the earth …
So much secrets reveals under the rights of anti-christians, arcane occults to
Lovecraft’s teachings and hyborian beliefs as the capturing of that Holy grail
leads men to acts like god of this world.
Funeral Circle:
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