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The Portal Bluebird (Verve Forecast 2010)

   Again - don’t judge before you have to listen the entirely recording specifically on something that you didn’t get interesting with the first time; just like the example for this Nellie McKay’s Home Sweet Mobile Home which an album that carries the plural aspects for being influenced by many genres of musical experiences and likes abrupt by the favorable Indie-Pop which blended with much more interesting stuff from Jazz, Reggae, Latin/Funk, Blues, Soul to Folk, Country and World Music among others sub-genres around Lounge sounds, Big band, Doo Wop to Swing ballads or piano-based and you will know later that you already falling in love with this girl talented ideas and written music there. 
Interesting artworks, more irresistible tracks like the opener Bruiese In The Sky, Adios, Caribbean Time, Please, Beneath The Underdog, Dispossessed to Consada Blues and No Equality mostly dealing with the female or women international issues onto the deeper rooted local tales about how you gaining your self-power to be yourself, solving problems and living in society without faking yourself up … 

Yes, you will loving this record, guys !

Home Sweet Mobile Home:

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