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Time Hurts (My Kingdom Music 2007)

Horrifying entertainment erupts from the depth of hellish metallic sounds factory creating the blending on Doom Metal, Black Metal and Goth Rock problems to your head not to avoid. And Harmony Dies is a Nocera Superiore, Italy group which leads by the main member of the group thinker and assembler – Francesco Palumbo bring this art of a decadent age of anti-religious and pro-satanica would be a fifty-fifty solution taken by a chance on how advantaging to follow one or another can keeping your addicted to metallic head-banger continues just like the releasing of Flames Everywhere as the whole concepts of music narrated, whispered and chanted devilish spells may forbid by the church-goers being burnt later but cannot stop the blasphemous screaming songs like Psichic Waltz, Blindness Inc., “Inflames” Set Afire Almost Burnt, Rising and Shining Soul onto To Learn From Literature or the Burning Doubt as well as those traditional chants, percussion or the highlighted cover of Venom’s At War with Satan comes a surprise for an Avant-Garde eclectic !

Flames Everywhere:

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