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Adderall Crazy (Monster Zero 2014)

Rockabilly to Punk-Rock and Rock N’ Roll Garage show must be a tense that will get your quiet house louder once you got the plan to having these Wien, Austria’s pilot-projecting semi-fast standard tempos beats and keyboards-tinged led sounds and off course, the great collections of riff-age mainly a salutation for Punk and punk-rockers everywhere from DeeCracks trio of Matt, Mike and Paul Coyote just like The Ramones brotherhood unit did many years ago and this time, a brand new same old speeds but trying to look wiser within these fifteen tracks as your weapon of choices to your proud Punk-related heritage that never dies – no matter what !
In leather jackets and tight sneakers with their stinky music onward to tell the world that whining isn’t an option anymore, the protest and the energy needs to let out for once and sharing them is not a mistake at all which what have been told aloud through the record - Beyond Medication which sounded wiser perhaps, as if Terminal Deadness, Let’s Get Locked Away, Charite Forever to Don’t Rely On Me and Stroll The Streets to Move On seems to be a reasonable reasons why you didn’t get up back after the punch and fight back to reaching your own dreams today. 
Just don’t let other people put you down and make them eat dirt by seeing that you still breathing and not compromising to the wicked world for good !!!

Beyond Medication:

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