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AIDS Revolution (FOAD 2007)

   Seventh releasing so far from the outer-limits of seminal anti-society system planned upon the self-written subjects for Paranoid Visions – the Dublin’s contributed of second wave of 80’s Punk not aiming for success over their beliefs to change the communal point of views from slaves to free men but ended up as the band entering the nineties era seemingly sad. But the heritage seeds continues and via 40 Shaeds of Gangrene as your example; a leading jobs taking hand in hand united by either Aoife Destruction, Deko Dachau, Joe Libido, Ke7, P.A, Jesu or Sarah Bellum, Paul O’Tician and Steo and others whom boarding resurfaced and gone within the entire band’s career clinging over thus blended of Hardcore and Punk Rock and Rock N’ Roll spirits against dishonesty, religious bigots and maggot brains conservatives whom destroying the world by using other hands as the leaders hiding behind the invisible coats. Listen and learn and think again while you have a time to cranking songs like Braindance, Missing in Action, 9 Months to The Disco, Albert Fish (Psycho), Fuck Forever as well as Acts of Love and Creeping. 

You know it is true about what they’ve said again on how the planet works – in the hands of the richest powerful assholes.


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