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Assemblage Misfit (Self-Released 2012)


   Remembering Columbus, Ohio by listening to this experimental efforts off the cannibalistic sedimentation on Synth-Pop erupting based on Indie-Rock experts by the duo of Nathan Photos and Matt Grady whose being too interesting on art. Music, animation, video, theatre, technology and synthesis on their rawness examples on how the developing onto their various robotic music turns out to be this Goth-Metal, Electronic to Pop-Urban and Heavy Noisy midi-digital raging stuff for the ears of New Wave and odd-rocking shows lovers out there.
A smiling New Life album from The Town Monster seemingly filled out by degradation choosing themes fits for being a soundtrack over old classic eighties thrill or horror movies not by chance but surely do creates for them on this recording album. 
   Formulating the side-effects of those cold beats and deader atmosphere crawling slower but closely can becoming an immediate danger shapes-shifting like Bela Lugosi with no further introductions claims by the fangs and blood suckers of the world as their track or Cornfield left the appropriate link of he who walks behind the row type of story or even the similarity over Built Myself a Girl that could reminding us about the background tales of either Bride of Frankenstein or modern tech nineties sci-fi/romance-comedy and this resemblance to the invisible virus that easily can infecting your music lessons. 

New Life:

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