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Bhopal Line (Self-Released 2014)

Elusive desperate screaming as far as your ears and mind would imagine that these North-Western coast of colder parts in Russia kinds of Progressive Math-Core group launching their instrumental music reverb formation of four-piece on a flooding guitars like hurricane and thundering drums but not every single thing left on the musical program were hard rocking or metal; so please – put yourself not in jeopardy but convincing souls to get in quickly as Show Me A Dinosaur precisely, tearing down the curtains of irrelevant camouflaging faces of mankind over Dust while the old female version of maid cleaning out the floor from dirty minds, empty vessels and heart full of hatred; hailed by these Saint Petersburg crew delivers their thick distortion of culminating breeze of sounds as the anthem songs either for individuals or altogether might rather mend or fix something than clearly – destroying them with bad reasons.
Be as wise as possible so anyone can be learning from you … 

Definitely, not easy rare but a must: More Than 70 Million Lives, Man Made God and Rain.


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