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Cyclopean Utopia (Small Stone Records 2014)

   Darryl Shepard performing his music written tracks and composing over the Heavy Metal blacker side of the edgy poison and occult-tinged Bluesy Rock on the desert where he dwells alone but never stop making himself heard via Drone Maintenance as this Progressive conjured vehicle of loud electrifying six-strings format bangs through the Blackwolfgoat project solo of Mr. Darryl and with all thus layers, dense of distorts to delicate lines and engineering/mixing duties established here for those who loves virrtuoso guitar performance and more deep intense transducer serves or stand under the figurine tones for experimental Post-Rock Stoner to Psychedelic and Art-Drone Metal militant solo project like this album featured.
Open the data base and listen for first track 1-BWG889 followed by the next steps via Notausgang, Sunfall or Fahey – all the way to 3-BWG565 as the reassemble of your droid or robots might need requirements for back-up soundtrack as this album would fit quite definitely for that task.

Drone Maintenance:

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