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Felix Partz Sucker (Kitty-Yo 2000)

Sensuality sells but wait a minute; nowadays – everybody buying it like candy and for that new addictions over the vast modern millennium men’s demanding over the commodity that displays vulgarity of a woman’s body-parts especially, boobs, tits, cleavages, faces and thighs and needs to be mentioned too – pussies as the presenting musical from Merrill Nisker – a Canadian born performance artist, producer as well as film-maker and music-writer might crawling outside her own shell as the beginning for these Synth-Pop breaks, Electro Rock and experimental Techno and Industrial Goth-Pop may vary the devices and the beneficiary rather than just an applicant agent of change not a victim.
While you're infinitely - staring and think about what’s really behind those tight pinky pants from the debut album on The Teaches of Peaches as starring herself confronting the crowds like she doesn’t care while the producs of cranky wanky arousing sensations spreading fast within Fuck The Pain Away, AA XXX. Rock Show, Cum Undun or Didle My Skittle – terribly gone wrong for some passengers on a short flight; dance your mind off before she’s starting to get naked …

The Teaches of Peaches:

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