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Heathcliff Abuser (Metropolis 2003)

Even the results and media critics are not as big as the first effort release from her works the second full length album off this singer/songwriter and keyboards and producer: Debra Fogarty on Diva Destruction project music may intensively shaking your trust and believe for loving Industrial-Goth Rock sounds that sensually made to teasing the listeners to be possessed by the noise-breaks.

The Exposing Sickness with names like Benn Ra or Severina Sol on board taste like a sweet poison of Dance-Metal album while the beauty that kills from our main maiden founder and high priestess figure making her seminal shocker music in Pop-taste (mostly) and more semi-underground that electrifies you the highest as Goth-Rock meets Electronic as creating thus track-listed typhoon of seductions via Hypocrite, Black Heart, Playing The Liar or Tempter and When Trees Would Dance like a blast for Survive escaping Valley Of The Scars – perhaps, sometimes sounding a bit suicidal. 

Lay your head next to her and feel the touch of near death experiences and body moving by the beats; erupts the wild side of you or buried you deeper into kind of coma syndrome. 

Exposing The Sickness:

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