These thirteen
songs which not all being a fully track written by Aeldaborn truly diminishing the
stereo system or more than eighty percents collaborates to regaining their mysticism
ancient beliefs ruined by the Christians long time ago as for now the amazing
ways of pagan ideas can coming back and resurfaced as the grown of church power
is getting weaker but the Heavy Metallers connections are stronger like metall-o-coustic version side of Tenacious D.
The Cosmic
Trident feeds you with the large amounts of semi-acoustic as thus traditional
harmonic musical instruments playing altogether in making the chants or hymn
for war and peace – depends on the condition and the shouting words or
sentences in a foreign language may caused you bored but Vainamoinen, Tochter
Der Sterne and letter of Indulgence echoed - reminds you again of how the early
church already making mistakes – terrible ones and kept being selfish to
under-estimated pagan’s systematic attacks back to the roots …
The Cosmic Trident:
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