Heavy Metal
rocking crew off New York City that sounded not too damn Hardcore or Punkish
like any NYC bands used to sounding like – these trio bashing your hearing
within their likes for Hard Rock, Hair Metal and of course, Rock N’ Roll and
little bit of Bluesy Rock as the high-pitched toned vocals and classic rock
solos and chords will avenging the missions to interacts and taken your interest
to focusing on them; Nik Chinboukas (vocals/guitars), Gustavo J. Vitureira
(bass) and Alex Kyriazis (drums) currently did their best effirt recording over
this misconduct division for the launching site test of a nuclear war-heads as you may sitting in front row – the best
seat around with them witnessing the force of destruction behind the gas masks.
From the childhood friends to the highly influenced by Led Zeppelin must be
making these guys a good solid comparison to your vision for a lesser-known but
awesome band around too.
Through the debut Colllision; Who Do You Love, True
Love, Chains to Give Me 5 Days, Creepin’ or Maximum Respect shall be some of
those remarkable tracks from this Collision trio to amazed your Heavy Metal
hour of the good kickin’ ass music !
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