You need to get this thing on your stereo to make your day jumping/dancing like crazy – especially if you loved Rock N’ Roll Boogie much. Bad-Ass Indie Rock booking only for your ears as others will also feels it electrifying with all songs by Flamingo Bay rocking loud to your system. Think about the latest mode-on from The Strokes meet The Ramones meet The Beach Boys and you’ll find Steak N’ Eggs for brunch as these Grunge/Swampy Garage semi-extreme of Northern Toronto commonly are Dillon Henningson (guitars/vocals), Kris Gies (bass/vocals) and Vincent Rankin (drums/vocals) beat all the odds out of your locker-room catalogs while mom and dad screaming because of your disturbance from upstairs.
Go for the Culprit of The Tahiti Pearl, Chechout Line, Hate to Break it to
Righteousness or SS and mend your chinny chin chin heart-breaks or your shitty
time spending last night to this totally outrageous Rock N’ Roll music !
Steak N' Eggs:
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