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Opera Tethered Subtle (Bandcamp 2017)

   Harmonizing the Indie-Pop adjective-suitable aura for the group’s obsessions to Porg-Rock but keeping the Pop sensational culture alive inside their music and Small Leaks Sink Ships that currently a Portland, OR residents now shaping themselves a four-piece band as they’re playing the performance – abbreviates ont Experimental Art-Rock, cinematic Indie Rock and of course, Pop intentions as for that; the music for Golden Calf (perhaps, taken while the Israelites didn’t arguably seeing the real one being stolen by the group of men from the far future dimension. Modern and artistic and fresh and beat-able; Ryan Garner, London Van Rooy, Judd Hancock and Jeff Mandel Jr.  given their all-out ideas miraculously would turned them all into songs just like these nine off this recording. Dancing Devil sounds brave and seductive while Creepin’ is closer to the weirdy romance or Airplane Junkyard in about three minutes and fifty-three seconds to Dear john  Connor may difficultly, realted to the movie about cyborg from outer space starring Arnold Schwarzenegger or not.
Who damn care ! 
You may not thinking too long and too much because your body and soul already busy sing-along and dancing silly following the good greater songs.

Golden Calf:

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