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Orion’s Eyes (Independent 2011)

   Sleeplessness would be a great recommendation for those whom loved to traveling by the night to the exotic unknown places you’ve haven’t gone before even in your dreams or the timing by dawn for the first light celebrates the last day before Winter Solstice equinox as beautiful as emotional favorable checking for no wasting words and lyrics off this casual Shoegaze Blues, Ambient Lo-Fi visuals of a Canadian artist named Charlotte Oleena or by her stage name – Sea Oleena. The musical calmness and intense softer beats is like someone walking out from his house through the front door facing the starless sky of the night with the smile in his lips growing with the essential sounds from Southbound, Untitled, Sister or Milk.
Let your soul floating for a few millimeter form the ground and feel the anti-gravity of heavenly angel used to felt and sing like the fresh roses blossoming …


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