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Pernicious Exuviae (Self-Released 2001)

   Completely devastating your stage main menu if these guys decided to come up and conquering it just like a weird combination between Murder Dolls and Slipknot playing more Death Metal and Hardcore to erasing the trace of Modern Nu-Metal footsteps but not wanting to reach for any Metal-Core site because it isn’t extreme anymore nowadays. Patrick Mirelault on vocals, Gary Lyons on bass, Brian Craig on drums and pat Gordon and Frank Dubois remaining the duty for cranking thus six-strings militia sounds for Ghoulunatics representing Montreal, Canada metallic scene with this Thrash Metal/Death Metal presentations to slaying you or haunting your residents via King of The Undead which romantically died and rotted within the growler/screaming wrath and double pedals strikes to cut your hands off and your feet as well or worse – letting the flesh-eating deader went back to live to eating you slowly as their dancing in couple – eating your flesh like a snack-meal before devouring you completely with the blasting tracks background: melodrama, Mobster Fiesta Extravaganza, Oh God! The Stench, Brother Worm (The Slimy One), Laic to Tower 311 and Suspicious Minds and Red Shovel – bursting the fatality elements surrounds your pathetic existence – devours your guts alive while you still screaming for help.

King Of The Undead:

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