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Runaway Soul My (RepoRecords 2006)

   Consisting of the mysterious beauty Francesca Chiara Casellati, Roberto Parolin and Tancerdi Palamara; these lesser-known group from Milan – Italy got their name meaning that can be translated to Hundredth Rave of Love as the musical fusion on Goth-Rock, Pop-Rock and Electro-Pop with Francesca doing the vocals as well as whispering and screaming to Simon Dredo on bass guitar or Iakk the drummer mixing thus occultism or magic larks of forbidden romance that broken down in tales under the force of mystic themes and lyrics but extra-ordinary that would be easy to swallow by (even) the regular people who didn’t really interesting in Rock Music as they're releasing this debut - The Angel And The Rain.
   The Lovecrave is your ultimate new name on the scene or genre which frontal on bursting its formulated symphonic rock melodious onto your stereo system and thus beats or the tempo kept in standard as the voice of the lead singer brought the sensuality power from a female to the man’s rude world not to exactly, arousing or seduce but with tons of regrets and revenge taste of love/hate relationships – blasting your position through the current Gothic Rock possessive as dark arrived via Nobody, Can You Hear Me, Fading Roses, Little Suicide and Vampires (The Light That We Are) reign supreme onto your head this time. Don’t under-estimate the rage feelings of women after hearing this …

The Angel And The Rain:

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