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The Apartment Song (Pacific Ridge Records 2008)

   Presenting with great respect and honor to the late American Rock N’ Roll hero gone but never will be forgotten with the plenty new names of fanatic fans and rookies united to remembering and mourns over the excuse for heaven above on this remarkable release – A Tribute to Tom Petty (even though, the title said A Tribute to Classic Rock) by various artists still this is legit and not trying to make income but more to that; due to all that the man himself already did to raising the real American Rock Music in the common ways without sounded too popular or too idealistic crossing bridges and genres to loving what he done in his previous famous works and most of all – the lesson learns by the next rock generations compiled together through this recording and celebrates the precious rocking materials out of Mr. Tom petty’s catalogs.
Promise of Redemption openos the start with your favorite track radio/MTV hits You Don’t Know How It Feels as Anadivine comes to Runnin’ Down a Dream as well as Search/Rescue praising life via You Go Lucky or Madelyn rocking the road with Free Fallin’ as over ten songs available here thanks to the Ramona-based label that did the ideas for making this compilation possible to share and as plain or simple or transcend or musically sheers a variety or unique like the lyrics promising the legendary truth speaks louder than decades proving how Mr. Petty already grown his own roots over US soils this deeper …

A Tribute To Tom Petty:

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