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Caronte Traume (Basick/OverDrive 2016)

   A Northern Italy or Vicenza's Fall Of Minerva basic project of a chosen few survivors among thus elected ways of the neglected figures whom independently, lining-up for the making of a group that reacted to their roots on influences over internationally sickening/painful radiates not eradicated envisions of Emo-Metal/Hardcore/Post-Metal sessions showing the dark reflections via the album – Portraits as the consisting five-piece band including Sido – vocals, Paolo and Nicola on guitars, Marco on bass and Pietro – drums with more exposures and less experiments but thus solidify tenure mid-tempo blasting music over the sharing grey-themed and little less depression of Post Hardcore through Novocaine, Boundless Lands Confined Thoughts, Green Ghost, Demagogy, Sguardi Nel Buio and Grave of The Fireflies shall miraculously, setting your bad dreams swirling out of your body into a plain reality – where nobody can ever make any differences between imaginable and the real truth ever after the Pandora box being leaked.


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