The Byzantine Empire is a band whose consisting of the trio of Jake Griffith,
Brett Nicholas and Arya Amirhekmat of Merz, Austria or they’re someone else
mistakenly, pops out to your front yard collection lists by accident.
As the
three headed rain-deer with glasses commencing the e.p album of I Think I’m
Going Stag; means that you will definitely having the show of techniques and
further high level music performance from the band themselves openly, massive
through the small amounts of materials recording here like And That Brings Up
The Question of Whether Its Worth It To Remember (Or Not …_) for over five
minutes and forty seven seconds or DMF tracker on five minutes and twenty seven
seconds as well as thus two parts of the ending sessions progressively,
passionate to listening to if you like Incubus in a fanatic feeling kinds of
way !
I Think I'm Going Stag:
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