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Daisy Patient (Self-Released 2013)

   Singularity vision of the woman’s view over the world and song-writer while the young and the in-love with people didn’t care too much about everything but Ruby McKinnon whose dressing-up differently as Flower Face has trying to expanding the common feelings about friendships, loving kindness and mourning on the same closer aspects which being recruits and trained by the envy and gluttony and lust so that love cannot reign back on top but thanks to the recording album from Flower Face’s Every Part of You That’s Left In Me … seems to describing about the relationship between an old wife and her dead husband just about a month ago while the funeral still clearly imagined, the older memories suddenly, came back and haunts her as the supernatural touches kept happening to the family which is left behind too as the spirit might getting restless or the mission isn’t completed as planned; this harmonies over the piano performance, good works of writing lyrics and arrangements as well as the strings for background while the singer’s vocals eerie and cold – trying to entertains someone whose being sitting under the stairs of the basement or unprofessional who found the booklet that has been designed by the artist.
One shall drowning into the sea of tears, the loss and being ashamed by others. 

Within the tracks like Nights You Spent singing to The Moon, Virtue/Purify/Broke Bones or South City Girl together with those meteors, stars and planets will collapsing or fall but the dreams strongly kept. 


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