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Dog Black (Bandcamp 2013)

Lyall Moloney is the Aussie artist whom differently, trying to make his own musical collaboration blending via the essential and influences for the likes of Hip-Hop, Rn’B/Soul, Dancehall to remixes made out from down under scene. Being his own forceful idealistic thoughts turning brilliance; this guy finally can manage to composing the good fun and happy musical performance in a project called The Architect and five songs available there as the result of his clever hard working fusion for several quite sometimes.
As he also playing most of the musical instruments – guitars, bass, organ and beats and thus artworks in front of the album looking psychedelic as well as divine; feel free to listening on Broken Fiddle and Go That Low and finding the good wisdom lyrics attached to your humanity instincts hidden inside the rhyming or the entire lyrics. 

Clap your hands and celebrates good natural music with Mother Earth and Lyall Moloney.

The Architect:

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