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Frog Hop Dangerous (Self-Released 2017)

Jazzy New Orleans cabaret and jugged String-band of Louisiana classic traditional in Bluesy Rn’B and big band formations were reluctantly, creating by Robin Rapuzzi (drumkit/washboard), Todd Burdick (sousaphone), Max Bien Kahn (resonator guitar/vocals), Greg Sherman (resonator guitar, vocals), Jason Lawrence (6-string banjo), Shaye Cohn (cornet), Barnabus Jones (trombone) to Craig Flory (clarinet/bass clarinet) as being engineered there by Ross Farbe with the mastering by Carl Saff over this project musical to the Tuba Skinny’s Tupelo Pine within the swampy atmosphere and the funeral cemeteries smells of death but in a happy kinds of way celebrates there through the track-listing wrote compositions by themselves: Right or Wrong, Call of The Freaks, Chocolate Avenue, Eagle Riding Papa or Pearl River Stomp – like the sounds of traditional spiritual or depression French Jazz forum awakening back towards the daily lives remembering the pasts or the latter days of Deep Bayou Moan to the Nigel’s Dream where being said that I’m Going to Germany – flicking the aura of instrumental sounds being classical made and performs as a panorama of the lower south.

Tupelo Pine:

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