Harmonic and
talented to make themselves heard as the artistic orchestral machine towards
the Halle(Saale) Germany’s Industrial Jazzy, Electronica to Death Metal as well
as Folk-Metal to Progressive Thrash combinations making themselves re-known as
Retarded Noise Squad as basically, standing up on their total Experimental
metallic sounds with the band members: Kai aus Tube, Wer Zum Teufel ist Bob,
Kjel-Dan Gramollsen, Don Karl Krawallo and Juliette de Sade established
themselves for the releasing on the first effort to many live shows before this
next steps of the monkey kingdom over Bananas (the record) truly, showing the
instinct of our animal behavior like bunch of apes trying to conquering others
over the favorite fruits.
Telepathic Trance as well as Die Geschichten vorn
Suppenkaspar or Killed with Respect and Compassion and jumping crazily onto
Taenia Solium or Morbus Mansfeld featuring the sexually female voices and
grinding machinery musical in combinations like a weird combustion over the
rotten dry-skinned bodies of men being burnt without any good explanations
through years.
Grab this album tighter and steady bang your heads like the insane monkeys
troops by the sounds !
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