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Loathsome Dredging (Bizarre Leprous Production 2017)

Vikram Bhat on drums/vocals and Jimmy Palkhivala on guitars, bass and vocals really did introducing their extreme Goregrind heritage overtly the planet to the international media that India or to be précised Bangalore – Karnataka has its own scenery of Heavy Metal devastating projector led coalition of these duet of metal-heads via their band: Gruesome Malady.
As the monstrous creature from the depth of the sewer tunnel breeding and getting bigger with the consuming lust for flesh and blood of humanity; crawling back up to the light and terrorizing the modern world citizens within its own greed to feed and slaying just like the brutal music performance through the latest album of them – Scumbustion. 
Thus terrorizing themes stumble within the double pedals drumming and destructive riffs as the solo went virulent and infected as the devastated titles like Fondling The Bereaved, Masters of Molestation (Buggery at The Holy See), Caressed with a Cleaver or Confessions of a Panty Stealer right to the Reanimation Through The Retronomicon blasts out. 

There’s not much left from your dearly husband or big brother inside the closet/bathroom but the roaring of ferocious beast wanting for more meals – including yours !


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