Make-Believe a.k.a 365
Days vol. 4 must be an intelligent waste of unlucky things turning to fortunate
soft musical and floaty songs of the dreaming existential vibes of a girl
calling herself Jessica In The Rainbow from Grand Haven, Michigan as her blonde
looks and strange smiles won’t getting the record ruined. Written, mixed and
improvised altogether just by herself in form of Jessica Fogle; except being
helped by Bryan Ralph and artistic works from Ryan Wyrick as the weekend album positively,
fits hence the songs spots to remains giggled or pleasing kinds of calmly
pleasure format through Pop-Indie, acoustical Country-mods and activity around
the bedroom or basement area can easily being captured through the songs
contacts to your ears in a perfect slow tunes that soothing the weather. As the
bird comes back to the house on the rural dense edgy location; the songs like
Someday, Casio<3, Anything, Kaleidoscope, Now, Birdsong and Forest - predictably,
comes out and releasing the harmonies into the air today, making your midst of November
sounding romantic and warm again at this exact hour.
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