Writing the
cryptic lyrics on death to despair themes as other extreme thoughts and deader
compiling matters as Bastard Priest releasing their second album recording off
Ghouls Of The Endless Night infinite terror signs and horrific titles that
measuring the band’s self-interests would be anti-social to the bigots and the
conservatives whom for Bastard Priest are easy and must be killed quickly or
slower just like the tempos come and go within the songs of torturing dark with
no lights via Sacrilegious Ground, Fucking Slaughter, Last Scream, Pestilent
Force and Poison to either stab you, jamming spears to your rib-cages,
decapitating your entire towners or just elegantly, mutilating your beloved one
in the name of anti christ – pieces to pieces ...
Ghouls Of The Endless Night:
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