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Webmaster Coup (Bandcamp 2016)

Misspelling and mislead written must be a mistake or another sensations for Melbourne, Australia’s comedian musicians or duo or group consisting of Sam Hill and Yuri Charles trying to send their next operational sounding process mix for the fourth recording mastered in Abbey Road by Mark Ronson as entitled as Guns in America , starring The Blues Brothters (!) Not your well known duo of Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues but some multi-instrumentalist making music or noise using loops, samples, keyboards, computer and inspirational guidance of jokes and verses as well as the live musical instruments uploading more issues like Brexit!!!, Melania Trump: Word Theif, The Da Vinci Code, American Sniper Pt III: Bradly Cooper is Chris Kyle American Sniper to the more fictional story-boards theme like The Assassination of Alan Vega by The Coward Robert Ford, The Matrix and Don’t Vote which seems providing a chaotic noises collision between whether the bunch aspects taken from Acid Rock to Blues/Jazz, Anarchy Grunge or Pop-Punk and mixed within Dubtep, Drum N Bass and Electro-Wave music as creating a whirlwind of confusions but fun as echoes faded to be starting for another weirdy subjects next.

Beware yourself for it’s time for Pokemon and guns to rule !  

Guns In America:

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