Written by the man
himself – Anteroom or Vertical Forest would be an imaginative enriches points
to solve within the listening for the tracks or You’ve Done Enough and Knives
in The Sand that confirms the essential wisdom delivery form Mr. Layton to the
world of apathy to either bury the hatchet or spreading some kindness to the
one who deserved it and for more weird themes laying in between; we got
Chloroform Him until Skewed Lines which literary answering the strange things
happening in someone’s life as the days of men already been counting.
Sigils offering the symbols related to the secret orders and information hidden
buried somewhere on Camelot or the lost kingdom of the lost continent’s latter
on civilizations mixed by Noise-Rock N’ Roll grungy and Psychedelic-Jazz off
Pittsburg, PA.
Expire's Fake Sigils:
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