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Anna Lee In (I Surrender Records 2014)

   Bursting the groovy beats and powerful Punk-Pop driven to make your head banging or your heart-pulses pumping up as the Brooklyn, NY troops of emotional Skater Punk group calling themselves I Am The Avalanche is a true last heroes of the good Warped Tour era that determines the awesome comes via their latest efforts after the previous four years before and within the recording solid rocking of Wolverines; the band members Brandon Swanson, Brett Romnes, Kellen Robson to Vinnie Caruana highlighting the semi-Hardcore punches riff-age and sharp curves of choruses as the three eyed creature smoldering yours straight without blinking make the audience and everyone frozen and focused on the themes that written to spreading the news about wisdom and rebel thoughts to spiritually, changes your opinions since …
Save Your Name, Where Were You, Young Kerouacs or Two Runaways pinned by the upper standard decibels only real rock-heads can manage to understand !


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