Funny strange that a white
girl wanted to have a friendship with an exotic far east asian guy but for the
rebel duo crew of Sales; Lauren Morgan and Jordan Shih keeps making money and
fame fortunes via Orlando, Florida as these duet soulful Pop-Electro as well as
Rock N’ Roll moody Pop-beats. Artwork providing by Alana Questell and the
fifteen lesser-known songs to be referred within the Pop culture catalyst
projects since the beginning until now may consolidates how on earth you liking
to eat fruits that much with the additions of flowers and colorful fancy things
being closely play and performs for Chekin’ Out, Trapped In A Club, Pope is A
Rockstar, Sorry Bro, Seven’s Day and Thurs 6-25 are seems to be legally,
possessed by the entire cultural of Alternative Jangle-Pop features and the
loving child from Lauren and Jordan to the future.
Sales LP:
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