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Cobb Decorate (Sony Wonder/Epic 1993)

Stupid and hideously fun; may your Christmas week be freaking weirdy with Ren & Stimpy of Nickelodeon crazed characters created by John Kricfalusi and featuring Billy West on the voices. Classic and dumb as dumber to the bone within these rabbit-like Chihuahua skinny grumps and big idiot bear-like doggy from The Ren & Stimpy Show recording their own winter silly-land parody/novelty kicks of Pop tunes and culture to go fried your enthusiasm onto a very low laughing and dummy smiles listening to their jokes and sarcasm lyrics right for the conversations and the tones as well. 
Crock O’ Christmas should be the ultimate choice for those whom being either a geek or an asshole slayer helping father Christmas to shoot people who bugging others and stop letting the good days of the birthday of god’s only son ruined. 
Yes, it is already been ruining for both bonuses off the talks and chit-chat of dumb-butts and fucking stupid children funny show for adults and etc. We Wish You a Hairy Chestwig, We’re Going Shopping, Yak Shaving Day or It’s a Wizzleteats Kind of Christmas forcing Ren & Stimpy to be really kind this year or bad as dried-out nipples and becoming a social worker reindeers (as they’re retired or on vacations) for the Christmas eve – pulling mr. santa’s sleigh on the enslavement sausage ride of their lives. 

Just ha… ha …

Ren & Stimpy's Crock O' Christmas:

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