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Ebredo Taj (Apathia Records 2017)

   Taking the bikers themed fixture sounds and putting it on the ride within thus Hard Rock and Punkish Metal power with cleaner vocals and excellent riffs harmony as the subconscious complete interpreted journey may keep the essential music inside Orveny or  Maelstrom in Hungary within Periphelion: Balazs Hubicska on bass/guitars, Barna Katonka the drummer, Gyula Vasvari on vocals and guitars to Tamas Varkoly on bass guitar coming from Debrecen – Hungary as the quartet making no mistakes over their deals on Porgressive Metal with Avant-Garde and Post Black Metal purposes as the figurine of the intacted stars or galaxies and the rays of sunlight gathered around your vision to creating the shape of gods to communicate within the universe worldwide as soaring majestic and chaotic soundscapes grasping more connections over Post-Metal or Hard Rock or Shoegaze and the enriched of the band’s variety of sounds productions.
Traditional meets the modern and mystical views or beliefs may causing your brain to be hurting to collects all the information but Bolyongo, Fentytl!, Romokon and Bardo closely shall trying to reaches for your farthest mind-gap regions and the learning for more spirits on Magyar magic lyrics to do.


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