Thank to Jack White
for discovering these fine mysterious foursome all wearing dark clothes
attractive women filled with enchantments of magic of Garage Rock music
presentations; The Black Belles is a great discovery made out of Nashville, TX
by far – a showcase of inaugural beauties by darkest attractions to make more
man fell on their knees begging for mercy and love to fake under the reign of
Shelby Lynne, Olivia Jean, Ruby Rogers and Erin Belle holding their hands tight
as the magical spells and lyrics for thus tracks of rocking impressive charms
cannot be broke easily within The Black Belles’ self-titled recording debut
being released and sounded closer related to their big brother band – The White
Stripes in a girl version as intriguing and mesmerizing on the same time.
like your witching hour nightmare from the past extortion of the old Salem
burning years revenge comes In The Cage, The Wrong Door, Breathing Down My Neck
and Howl at The Moon onto Pushing Up Daisies; sounded a bit glad and unwell spreading
curses of sweetening among the sons of men once again this Yule.
The Black Belles:
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