Uniquely accessible whilst
regarding a flawless hope for playing their essential likes for World-rootsy Afro-Cuban heritage Jazz hailed from Sydney, Australia as The Vampires might sounded fierce but
these quartet of skillful musicians: Jeremy Rose (alto saxophone), Nick Garbett
(trumpet), Alex Boneham (bass) and Alex Masso (drums) earning their signature
strikes as the grooves bares the must absolute cultural demands for any (Reggae) Jazz-ensemble sounds of instrumental lovers to have these foursome playing
their best for your stereo system. The releasing of Garfish truly appears the outrageous
non-stop of tremendous performance musical in high skills saxophone’s free
modern kicks and techniques with some retro touches like the deep diving hunted
inside the ocean blue depth riding the strange aquatic life-forms as Strugglin’,
Heston, Dragon Del Sur or Antipodean Love Song breaking the meaning of ordinary
phrase – Life in The Fast Lane (underwater).
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