Stomping the temptations
for doing something scary and devastating to the fucking government whose never
listening to what opinions you really wanted to say or share with them; stop
believing in lies and carry the struggle force to battling those false nation
builders called the people’s representation on the parliament and pulling their
heads off through this punching mad Bulgarian Thrash or Crossover and Heavy
Metal and Hardcore speeding on Stop Believing Lies off Bourgas – Bulgaria clearing their third
recording on the formations of George “Peich” on vocals, Staffa playing guitars/drums
and Mariyan Gerogiev dealing with bass guitars/vocals for Mosh-Pit Justice
(group) sounding closer to the similarity like Joe Belladona performance with
or without Anthrax.
New materials and driving force of beats making here for
the fast, loud and infected head-bangers balling through Rest In Flames, Left
For Dead, To Her My Arm or Till Death completely – comes in a such destructive
ways for bashing things blocking its way from here on earthly heaven to the
outside end’s men territory.
Stop Believing Lies:
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