Bloodshed and bloodbath actions of
slithering, bashing, kicking and biting brutal may entirely, holding up the
scenes most as the half other telling you the background story about treachery,
disloyalty, secrets and heroes among the hope seekers as the lycans almost
wiping out the entire Eastern Coven same as what they’ve did onto Var Dohr of
the Nordic Coven by building the army of vampire-werewolf hybrids as many deah
dealers dies but many more surviving the battles, wounded and burnt while
decapitated lycans didn’t stop others from ripping as many vampire bodies as
they could. In the end Selene finally, turning back her position as one of the
honorable elders of the coven while David return as king because he’s Amelia’s
son after killing the evil traitor Semira and the powerful clan leader of the
wolf Marius.
The directing musical on Classic orchestration of both Goth,
Folk-Rock to Symphonic instrumentals arrangements within (original Motion
Picture Soundtrack) for What Came Before, Clemency, The Trek, Power to She
Belongs to The Sacred World as the intruder alerting via Lycans Attack or Duel
of Destiny closing by Sound of Your Scream performed by Brain featuring Melissa
chained you to wait for the next battles that shall never ends even when now
there’s seemed to be peace …
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