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Dune Falling Down (Mouton Noir 2017)


   Used to be called as "France Nemesis" but later changed to Sam Was Here as Rusty Joiner playing his character of Sam the salesman; on this American Thriller somewhere in the Mojave Desert on the ninety-eight era. As the zones looking not very comforting but he needs to get more clients to buy or at least, being a bit interested to the products that he offers. Strange red light appears from nowhere must be the one and only thing that making people including Sam wonders about aliens or UFO as stranger events of people walked-out when Sam’s approaching their place or the missing inhabitants over the houses loser to the mysterious light displaying itself.
   The producer Christhope Derro’ s works for Sam Was Here (Original Motion Picture) by Christine – the Electronic/Dance Pop and Children’s Music composer/musician tremendously, caught the essential mysteries surroundings the existence of Sam Was Here both the journey, the motel, the emptiness and a survivor whom would getting killed first or being the victim of Sam’s fate to the weird world there. 
   There’s Eddy coming out from nowhere or Rebecca Paxton or Thomas Payne. While his car finally, broken – Sam felt not saved and afraid as he become the silly hostage in an unfriendly environments needed to survive – in order to spreading the news that he found out among the heat and the dry-heat.  Listening to the words and tracks humming as available; the Electro Hip-Hop/Future-Bass/Techno blends on Spivey Point, Blow Up, Break Point, Junkyard onto Grey Road or Maniac might mention to helping Sam to escapes. 
   One can arguable to the audiences about the red light mysteriously, hovering as it likes including up the Sam’s head. The fatal attractions turned a good guy to a killer but hopefully, there’s justice about the concluded answers on this psycho-suspends touching the insanity patterns for good. 

Is there an escape ? 


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