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Edifice Trails (Broken Limbs Recordings 2016)

Not your regular NWOBHM kinds of bands; these trio from Manchester, UK calling themselves the terrorizing triggers of Black Metal scene of the underground counter-cosmos secrets reveals as E. Troup on bass guitar, T. Horrocks the drummer/guitars and additional growler vocals as well as M. Czerwoniuk on guitars and growling vocals blasting their type of torturing fast and noisy explosive extremities via the six tracks of the apocalypse themed and the raising of the infamous cousin of the dark tower from the old saga movie about black magic evil wizard against the band of travelling warriors over a princess of the purity lake or something related to.

Bashing, clashing and destructing music performance as the lyrics written by Wode's self-titled record – the band trio would definitely, smashing your parents body to the wall or make their heads explode. 

Nothing positive over Cloaked in Ruin, Spectral Sun and Plagues of Insomnia comes on over nine or eight minutes and more demolition riffs and growls driven the audience potentially, insane for keeping a listen.


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