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Heimgang Oration (Vendetta Records 2018)

Germanic territory of Flensburg – Schleswig-Holstein which quite not famous to the outside world imported its Black Metal mayhem of mysterious duo group under the satanic name chosen as Verheerer which means Devastator. 
As like the essential Classic Black Metal ruling fast tempos and dangerous music sounds emerging much much scarier than just an average horror show on television; the climbing yet then, crawling evil dark priest towards the up-hill surrounded by high ravine as mysteriously, turning himself onto kinds of skeleton sacrificial the soul for eternal damnation live on the other side portrays for the album of full-length entitled Maltrer. 
With seven songs available to make your evening suffer and your parents got heart-attack after the devastating play of the record on your family car’s stereo. As Kultyst, Vertigo, Nachtfall and Anima Sola take their grips on torturing your mom’s failure hearts and hearing sense bleeding. 

Driver dad’s dying because you slits his throat before the crash.


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