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Lies Co. (31G 2016)

Wrecked havoc building in a points of no return condition on the front cover of A Century Of Abuse album made the group whom performing it and recorded; Silent of Baja California almost sounded sad cinematic, riffs of surfing guitar barriers the catchy parts or like closer deserted scene of sick-type Grunge and experimental Progressive motions on Indie Rock states.

As Jung Sing on vocals, Rodo Ibarra on electric bass, Andrea Varela the drummer and Alejandro Lara on guitars seems desperately, given their Post-Rock grooves scattered all over the floor within the hardest distorting themes and songs lies there through Nothing For Nothing, Ripped Me, Wrong Dream, Lost Voice or Damage and Violence spreading the messages of loneliness by far infecting hearts and ears whose listening them.

A Century Of Abuse:

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