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Piker Tre Serpent (Relapse Records 2017)

   Mixture blending off the mystic and magical tension infinite higher of an artistic performance via the Folk legendary of traditional and non-speculated Folklore themed with some of the monochromatic modern touches through the Black Metal-tinged musical meets Atmospheric Ambient as well as Electronic Choral Classical sounds of the driven override piano harmonies and after wintery-seasoned of Nordic Folkish experience in experiments recorded and written by our multi-instrumentalist Amalia Brunn’s darkness beauty for Danish's solo project of Myrkur.
   As Mareridt (Deluxe Version) already released as the newner classification for the meaning of nightmare as actually, not always being glowed filling with monsters or haunting entities but far clearer as the visionary of a female intuition took over and making this album – a feminine progress passage music with praising for mother moon and earth or gorgeous metallic sounds and melodies arrangements over those sixteen tracks with lyrics or harmony tense crawling slower as like the bleeding flows process within Kaetteren, Gladiatrix, Bornehjem, Ulvinde or Funeral (featuring Chelsea Wolfe) as well as Maneblot making the revenge of sweet deals holding hands of the mysterious lovers from the hazy woods like spirits of the holy or the unholy ones speaking spells in elves tongue and background beauties radiates through the branches, through the twigs.

Mareridt (Deluxe Version):

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