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Time Long (Self-Released 2015)

   Dark the raven-crow struck by the greatest power that drives the gravity of the planet and fell as this is not the beginning of some kind of sci-fi story of any ghost rider tales but the sorrowful truth about the earth days after days under the greedy reign of man continues to be exploited.
   Auckland’s home-based Hunt The Witch whose Sam Whitey (vocals), Jason Clarke (bass), Bevan Carbines (guitar) and Jason Peters (drums) brought their Stoner Rock and Heavy Metal sounds as self-written tracks/lyrics cranking the divided atmosphere onto these five piece of works of rocking depressive tunes for the wise titled album portraying the nearly extinctions of men closer comes creeping as the decades changes and nobody seems to noticing it anymore. 
   Everyone’s busy with their own gaining for money and wealth forgetting or closed their ears to listening for Fire in The Sky, Bleed You Dry and Another Side … 

The apocalypse might be (only) miles or weeks away !

Into The Black:

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