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Tommy’s Pony (Fat Wreck Chords 2017)

As C.J. Ramone after joining your legendary rockers of New York and young Spiderman’s favorite group of all time – The Ramones as the Punk godfathers gave him a new nick name stuck forever along with the style of fame rocks out music for Christopher Joseph Ward the bass player from Queens. Joining the group like Guitar Pete’s Axe Attack but then turning to C.J Ramone through his own personal solo project and bands still brought the intense perfect Punk-Pop musical like The Ramones did by the releasing of albums like the last record for American Beauty – fits to keep your heads banging, your driving ride feeling much better facing the traffic jam or boring meetings at work because you known that the truth for the title would be not a lie.

Listen to the best songs written and produced by Mr. C.J Ramone within the mixing of romantic, tough, cool and rocking standard in great melody fixtures over You’ll Never Make Me Believe, Yeah Yeah Yeah, Let’s Go, Before The Lights Go Out or Girlfriend in a Graveyard way down to Be A Good Girl or Moral to The Story shall fixing the interpretations on Punk-Rock wasn’t just a rebel-disruptions of the menacing …

American Beauty:

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