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Would You Rather (Dead Oceans 2017)

Low-tuned Folkish beauty on her addictive mesmerizing temporary themes written by and sang out slowly, not intended to judging anyone from her origin place of Los Angeles as Smoke Signals over California that might get burning by the forest fire as its worst level in decades; Phoebe Bridgers might keep on walking to spreading the harmless thoughts and background stories through the ghostly figure standing on an empty ranch while her dog watching the configuration of tones beautifully, out to reprising as radiates the minds of her listeners for Stranger In The Alps - in a spiritual-based confirms.
More thoughtful meanings from the lyrics and sending messages to the globe lovers whom loving Folk-Indie Pop well to re-thinking about the disaster happens by the natural mother being tortured and force to go closer to extinction as the whispering soft vocals emerged within the harmonic sounds of music. Motion Sickness, Demi Moore, Funeral, Killer, Georgia and You Missed My Heart might be a disguising romance poetry reveals from beneath the depth heart-ache of a girl listening to the earth’s dying breath – searching her lost soul mate on a haystack of modernity.

Stranger In The Alps:

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