Lesser-known producer duet of
Dub and Techno consisting for Quasar and Sandro Smarcan from Ljubljana, Slovenia’s
corroding sounds of the outer space and farther limit of the excessive universe
beyond the gigantic planets in our solar system; as their eight exploration
proving the journey which capturing and sending everything else possible and
million light of years receiving signals from the several objects may contains
the answers about the silly question on how our existence becoming burden to
ourselves to develops or the picture printed after the magnificent shot from
the super-builder and high technology camera of Organon project really
capturing Objects In Space like this recording did the spreading tunes of
musical. For example - Blue planet surrounded by the magnetic field of little
asteroid belt thinner but powerful having its own orbit different from the rest
of thus space rocks that did the same thing rotations to the core star – sent the
variety durations of songs like Object V, Object VII or the beginners Object I.
Too much animosity and anonymous things unexplained really fits to the reality
to be called closing cases – makes the journey seems to be timeless and endless
to finish over Dub-Techno, Ambient, Down-Tempo or Electronic…
Objects In Space:
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