Three album on
their discography list but never once being mentioned as the local/national
Grunge or Psychedelic group with less popularity back to their roots on the
nineties era but rather been told as vacuum than broke-up as the touching soul
and thrust being released to the air creatively sounding themselves as the part
of Pearl Jam/Neil Young collaborative musical influences crested here to
Plastik born to teasing your lack of emission gas on green-house effects poetry
lyrics for Indonesians as formed by Ipang, Didit, Iman, Aray and Alex for the
releasing a debut album self-titled via cassette format at the time; a parade
of pretty much good compositions eliminates the boredom over silly romance
themes conquering the local music scene as the Rock show events went permanent
asleep before this firing up strings and blast beats standard of the band
alarming your head to paid attentions to the clever moves and smarts messaging over
the abstractive songs in bahasa like examples: Tenang (Peaceful), Seperti (A
Like), Error, Konflik, Suatu Hari Berbicara (Once Spoken at the day) through
Khas as well as Haus (Thirsty) might leaving your ears echoed by the like of
south east asian’s Eddie Vedder style singer but if you wanted to do some
deeper researches on them – you might finding something interesting about the background
story over Indonesia Rock society.
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