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Biting Feathers (Independent 2011)

   May this proves that there’s a place where one can really feels like they’re flying or floating alone in demented peace whilst the orchestral beats of a blended soundtrack of Electronica Ambient and guitar and piano and even rock sounds dealing the vocals within soft timbres as the cultures vibrant rhythms aimed the meld influences on the richer, fierce and huge loving elegance on scales of the listeners demanding for spacious, organic vibes off the seminal lesser-known or non-materialistic commerce on hope and beauty written tracks like how Paaliaq of London did. Don’t mind the surrounding laughter to put yourself down because Keepi the record in reality crossing the lines of it; making the free downloads seems to be something like an invitation to go by the gate to seek another dimension of hearing sensation and songs of self-consciousness embarks on the odd temperance landed to the unknown land must be guided pretty well by Shonky, Vangueria, Ascencion, Views of Flemish Castles, A Crowded metero as well as The Journey (words by Jeeshan Patwari) available through this mesmerizing tune-age path …


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