Third-person perspective
controls by a hacker named Aiden Pearce whom conducting a bank heist but
failure as the alarms triggered with Aiden mentor/partner given out, a hitman
named Maurice Vega fearing his family safety as a niece of him fell to a coma
from a car accident while then Brenk (the partner) retaliates by kidnapping
Aiden’s young sister as the demand to him on tracking another hacker (an
ex-soldier/gang leader Delford Wade by the help from hacking syndicate DedSec
team Clara Lille while on the other hand another hacker JB Markowicz deleting
the system server but opens a secret information that would upsetting some
people to be really pissed within this action-adventure gaming Watch Dogs
composing soundtrack instrumental songs like The Loop, Donovan, Computer
Underground, Creepy Caller, IP Tracking or Vigilante by Brian Reitzell through
the smartphone uses by Aiden Pearce accessing the pedestrian private
information or emptied their bank accounts; jamming security systems and
infiltrates into the deeper hack-puzzling to be solved as involving the train
controls or traffic lights to the malfunctioning their gadgets as well that he
also arming himself an extensible truncheon on melee fight or combat handgun to
shotguns to sniper rifle and grenade launchers.
Scaling vertical surfaces,
hacking forklifts or aerial works platforms and navigates the setting of
motorcycle, muscle-cars or luxurious vehicles as well as unlocking the map
icons or side missions on his journey for a payback and justice upon him and
his family on that Windy City.
"Connection is Power"
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