Thomas Newman written some of his best compositions over this famous children’s drama-comedy movie about the adventure of a little clown fish that blown up charts and computer-animating program which can easily shown the audience things like virtual reality through the crystal clear ocean water and reflections, the various living creatures and their daily activities even the courage of clown fish dad trying to find his only son for this Finding Nemo movie may giving you good laughs, shed tears and the in-between moments of amazing/terrifying/most unique as becoming the highest grossing animated film since.
Not always a good beginning of peaceful life on the great barrier reef – Australia before the barracuda attacks as the developing of the last surviving egg of Marlin’s nest named Nemo begun his first day of school trip and being too curious for sneaking away to the deeper parts off the coral reef as being caught accidentally by snorkel-divers.
Panic and didn’t have a clue where to searching for his son might begins; Marlin met Dory (a regal blue tang fish with short-term memory loss) helping him later for the searching clue left on the diver’s mask noticing some kind of address and the story of adventure begins while Nemo already make his way save to an aquarium filled with other depressing fishes planned their escapes from the dentist’s office before his evil niece came visiting.
Marlin and Dory must go passing the anglerfish monster of the trench; incidentally befriended with three giant sharks whose wanted to be vegetarians as well as the blown out wreckage of old submarines underwater to the unconscious poisoning Dory trying to win the game by passing through the bloom of stinging jellyfish before being saved by Crush and his group of the sea turtles.
Finding Nemo will shared to you some of its beautiful scenery and moments just like the track-listing songs composed there told us about The Divers, Lost, Fish-O-Rama, Mt. Wannahockaloogie or School of Fish as well as News Travels and Darla Filth Offramp before Sydney Harbour sheltering good hearts and new friends in need for Marlin and Dory to exploring their relationship with a Blue Whale, Nigel the helpful Pelican, Nemo’s aquarium friends The Tank Gang led by Moorish idol fish successfully, not only escaping but the distant of miles away for Marlin’s journey has finally over as the reunites between him and Nemo will reminding many people about how life’s really good and precious to be preserved – somewhere Beyond The Sea…
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